Kristoffer Eriksson

Hi! I'm Kristoffer

I'm a 12364 days old passionate software developer from πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ and the founder of where we're innovating in the agricultural sector. When I'm not busy with, I'm working on building my own SaaS product at , with an ambitious goal of reaching $10K MRR in 2024. Throughout this journey, I've realized the importance of good UX – it's not just about how a product looks, but how it feels to use it.

This realization led me to start creating a set of UI building blocks for my own SaaS projects. But why keep these tools to myself? I believe in a community where we can all grow and succeed together. That's why I've decided to share these UI building blocks with fellow developers. My aim is to help you save time and elevate your projects with well-designed, easy-to-use blocks.

Follow my journey at as I share insights, experiences, and of course, useful React components. Let's connect, collaborate, and grow together in this exciting world of software development!

Ps. Follow me on X to get updates on Grayscales

Soon to launch

Get early access

Grayscales are almost ready, and we are starting the launch in January. Register for early access to get access to all components, layouts, and building blocks before anyone else.

Grayscales UI SaaS Blocks